Conference/Training Attendance Report

This form is to be used by individuals who are attended a conference/event/training as part of large HFF funding. We request that you complete this short report within two weeks of attending the conference/event/training.

Extracts from the report may be published on the Foundation website along with any images sent so please ensure you have correct copyright permissions to use them.

Conference/Training Attendance Report

Please fill out this form if you have attended a conference or training under a larger HFF bursary (ie. not one you have applied for yourself).

  • If over multiple days please just enter the start date
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • In around 300 words, please tell us how attending this conference/event/training has developed your career and impacted your research (for example, what did you gain from attending this event? Has this introduced you to a new project or methodology? Was this an opportunity to improve your current skills? Did you meet new people you might collaborate with?). Please include how attending this conference/event/training has changed how you might do your research now or in the future (if applicable).
  • Please upload any images from the event, note these may be used on the HFF website so ensure you have the correct permissions to use
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Please upload any other supporting documents, particularly ones which demonstrate you passing on knowledge to fellow students
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 512 MB.

      Conference/Training Attendance Report