The Mazotos Shipwreck Project – MARELab

Excavating the Mazotos Shipwreck – Cleaning the north face of the futtock

The Mazotos Shipwreck is the remains of a commercial ship dated to the late classical period. It was located in the sea area of Mazotos, at 45 metres below sea level. It is the first shipwreck of that period located in the South East Mediterranean carrying Chian amphorae, at a depth where divers can work. This is of noteworthy scientific significance as its research could shed light on issues concerning the sea routes and trade relations between the peoples of the Aegean and the S.E Mediterranean during this period.

Research at the Mazotos Shipwreck began in 2007. It is conducted by MARELab under the direction of Dr Stella Demesticha, in collaboration with THETIS Foundation and the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus. The Foundation has also provided funding for the project since 2013, reports relating to this work and further information can be found below.

2023 Fieldwork Images